Research Projects

Welcome to the Research Projects page of Bristol Rovers History Group. Here, we delve into the rich history of Bristol Rovers football club since 1883. Explore our historical research and archive maintenance efforts to uncover the fascinating stories and milestones of this iconic club.

Historical Research

Our dedicated team of researchers tirelessly uncover and document the history of Bristol Rovers football club. From the early beginnings in 1883 to the present day, we strive to preserve and share the rich heritage of this beloved club.

Archive Maintenance

Maintaining an extensive archive of historical documents, photographs, and memorabilia, we ensure that the legacy of Bristol Rovers is preserved for future generations. Our meticulous care and organization of the archive allow us to provide valuable insights into the club's past. Longstanding Bristol Rovers historians Stephen Byrne, Michael Jay and Ian Haddrell Founder members a decade ago came together to contribute their research and statistics and images.We were fully supported at the time by Rovers media manager and programme editor and BBC radio sumariser Keith Brookman. Plus valued radio coverage by BBC sports editor Geoff Twentyman a former Rovers player.

Photo Licensing

Please note that all archive photos featured on our website are copyright of Bristol Rovers History and may not be used without permission. If you are interested in licensing any of our photos for personal or commercial use, please contact us for more information.

Contact Us for More Information

Interested in learning more about our research projects? Feel free to reach out to us for any inquiries or to schedule a consultation.